Our school uses the "WOW" School-Wide Behavior Plan that we began implementing several years ago. Our plan focuses on 3 main rules: constant teaching and modeling of positive behavior, redirecting negative behavior and having the students understand and be accountable for their actions.
Our school is using the word "WOW" to help us remember our rules!
Throughout the school year, the students will be actively involved in learning about positive behavior. They will participate in daily 2 - 5 minute discussions, see posters throughout the school to remind them of our rules, participate in group activities and be accountable for their behaviors and actions. We are very excited with how well our "WOW Behavior Plan" is working. Each year, we continue to work on teaching the "WOW Rules" to the students and perfecting the program. We thank you for your support and help with the program to insure its success. We are very excited about continuing this positive approach to behavior and implementing our "WOW Rule" throughout the school.