June 2023 Board Actions
In the 6 p.m. meeting the board approved the amended budget.
In the 6:05 meeting the Board approved the minutes, bills, and treasurer’s report.
The Board approved the Superintendent to adopt the amended budget.
The Board heard about progress on the ongoing construction projects at South Central Middle School.
The Board approved a resignation from Lori Jeter.
The Board approved Iconik Studios as the district photographer.
The Board approved sports schedules for the 2023-2024 school year.
The Board reappointedRob Jones to be the KSED representative for the district.
The Board approved the district E-learning Plan.
The Board approved field trips for FBLA to National Leadership Conference in Atlanta Georgia and Summer Leadership Workshop in Springfield IL.
The Board hired Shelby McCarty as a certified teacher and Mandy Ruholl as a support staff member for the 2023-2024 school year.
The Board appointed Kaleb Welch as SCHS Student Council Sponsor for SCHS for the 2023-2024 school year.
The Boar approved an FMLA leave of absence for Brandon Wright starting August 19, 2023.
The Board approved pay rates for sports officials effective July 1 , 2023.
The Board approved raises for the Non-Certified Support Staff for the 2023-2024 and 2023-2025 school year, the board also ratified a one year contract with the South Central Education Association for the 2023-2024 school year.
The Board approved raises for Non-Union ESP and Support staff as well as approved raises for administrators for the 2023-2024 school year.
The Board approved the starting pay scale for Support Staff members and Substitute teachers for the 2023-2024 school year.
The Board approved salary increase for Certified staff for the 2023-2024 school year.
The Board is staying in step with Illinois minimum wage for schools which will be $14 per hour for non-certified staff by January 1, 2024. Same goes for the certified staff where the minimum teacher pay increase went to $40,000 for the beginning of the 23-24 school year. Most staff received at least a 4% increase to keep pace with both those mandates in Illinois schools.
The Board approved a one year contract extension for Superintendent Kerry Herdes, Principals Sara Rose and JamesVanScyoc to continue through June 30, 2026.
The Board approved a contract with Assistant Principal Jake Skibinski effective the 2023-2024 school year to run for three years until June 30, 2026.
All district administrators will be in place through the end of the 25-26 school year. The only exception is Principal Greg Grinestaff who is set to retire at the close of the 24-25 school year.
Next Board Meeting is July 19, 2023 at 6 p.m.