Cougar Announcements


Cougar Basketball opens their season up at Mulberry Grove Turkey Tournament. Game time 5:15 p.m. vs Father McGivney. Bus time 3:40

FCS Club meets today in Miss K's home room.  It is a mandatory meeting.

Attention all students:  The FCS club's suckers are on sale for the holiday season.  Come get yours today in Miss K's room.  They are buy 2 get one free.  This deal lasts until December 15th. 


Upcoming Events

Tuesday November 21st- Cougar Basketball at Mulberry Grove. Game time 6:45 vs Lebanon. Bus time 4:45p.m.

Wednesday November 22nd -24th - No School Thanksgiving Break

Friday November 24th- Cougar Basketball at Mulberry Grove. Game time 6:45 vs CHBC. Bus time 4:45 p.m.