Congrats to the Falcons 7th Basketball team on their win last night.
Adopt a Family donations must be turned in TOMORROW! The class with the most money raised will win a Pizza Party!
Student Council Students: Remember to wear your Student Council shirts on Thursday.
Students that have Artwork in the Breezeway must take them home by the end of the day today.
Wednesday, December 13th there will be a Fellowship of Christian Students meeting in Computer Lab @ 7:40am. Donuts will be served! Everyone is welcome to attend.
Important Dates
- Wednesday, December 13th: Fellowship of Christian Students meeting in Computer Lab @ 7:40am
- Tuesday, December 19th: End of 2nd Quarter-Early Dismissal at 2pm
- Wednesday, December 20th-Monday, January 1st-Christmas Break-No School
- Tuesday, January 2nd: Teacher Institute-No School
- Wednesday, January 3rd: School Resumes