South Central School District School Board December 2023
The Board approved the minutes, bills, and treasurer’s report.
The Board approved the Press Policy updates for October 2023.
The Board kept their meeting date for the third Wednesday of the month at 6 p.m.
The Board approved 2 field trips to the Fox Theatre for SCMS/SCHS Choir and Band students.
The Board set the annual tax levy at 4.99% as they have done in previous years.
The Board abated the alternative revenue bonds so that they don’t appear on the levy. This is the 1% sales tax that is not funded from the levy.
The Board approved a resolution to self purchase working cash bonds.
The Board heard a report from Superintendent Kerry Herdes on the recent cnp School Nutrition Audit which allows the district to have free lunch status. The audit was quite successful, and the district had outstanding scores. The cnp auditors' overall comments were that the kids were well fed and cared for. They were also complimentary of the on site cooks and programs the district has for student lunches. The Superintendent was thankful to district staff and district cooks for what they provide for our kids.
The Board approved a resolution to go on the spring ballot that would allow Fayette county sales tax to be used to fund a school resource officer or mental health professional for school districts. This was already in the 1% sales tax resolution for Marion County. It would just broaden the uses for the 1% sales tax revenue in Fayette county.
The Board heard a presentation from Doug Ess of Glass and Shuffett describing a positive financial picture for the district. He complimented district personnel for being very efficient and accurate tracking district money. He said that once again the district was among the best ⅓ of the unit districts in the state in being very financially responsible with the way they fund the district's needs.
The Board accepted a resignation from Amanda Guerrettaz effective January 5, 2024.