Falcons Boys Basketball Team plays tonight at Dieterich Jr. High. Game time is 6pm. The bus will leave from the MS at 4:30pm.
Lady Falcons Basketball Varsity girls will open up their Regional on Saturday, Nov 23rd at home. They play CHBC at 10:15am.
Beta Club is sponsoring a Canned Food Drive this year to help stock the Kinmundy Food Pantry. It will be an Advisory Competition, with the winning advisory group getting Donuts, Juice, and Milk. Students are to bring in any Unexpired Canned Fruit to their advisory location. Items will be collected now through November 25th!
Any Girls interested in Volleyball for this school year, the last open gym will be December 2nd from 5:30 –7pm. Tryouts will be on Wednesday, December 4th from 3:30- 5:30pm.
Friday, November 22nd there will be No School.
Friday, November 22nd: No School
Tuesday, November 26th: 2pm Dismissal
Wednesday, November 27th-29th: No School-Thanksgiving Break
Friday, December 20th: 2pm Dismissal
Monday, December 23rd-January 3rd: No School-Christmas Break
Monday, January 6th: No School-Teacher Institute
Tuesday, January 7th: School Resumes
Friday, January 10th: 11:45am Early Dismissal
Monday, January 20th: No School-MLK, Jr. Day