Cougar Basketball at home vs Vandalia. Game time F/S 5:00.
We will be holding a silent auction for the opportunity to shave the teacher's heads! Go to Mrs. Riehm's room to bid on the teacher that you want the privilege of shaving their head. Bidding closes Tuesday at 2:30pm. The highest bidder wins! You only pay if you win!
Color Games sign up sheet outside Mr. Welch’s room. Also, Christmas Tree Decorations can start on Monday. Dress up days next week are as followed:
Monday- PJ Day
Tuesday- Purple Day
Wednesday- USA Day
Thursday- Christmas Day
Friday- Class Colors
Another way to get to the $3,500 for Alzheimer’s game. Tickets are now on sale in the office 1 for $1.00 or 6 for $5.00 for the opportunity to win a Free lunch from the loading dock or a $25.00 gas card. We will draw December 9th.
There are guest permission forms in the office for homecoming. Deadline is December 12th.
Homecoming tickets are on sale in the office. $10.00 each.
Quote of the day- “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”