miss you


We hope you all have enjoyed your extended Christmas Break and playing in the snow!!! It has been nice, but hopefully we will return back to school on Monday!!! Thank you for completing your E-Learning Packets and work. Please return all work on Monday when school resumes. We miss each and every one of you and are so excited to get back to school to start the 2nd semester!!!

Monday, Jan. 13 - School resumes for all students and staff!!!

Monday, Jan. 13 - School-wide Assembly in the afternoon

Tuesday, Jan. 14 - December's Perfect Attendance Rewards Day

Tuesday, Jan. 14 - "Books for Kids" will be today

Tuesday, Jan. 14 - K-2nd Grade Read Aloud Day

Wednesday, Jan. 15 - *Star Reading Assessment 1st -5th     Early Literacy for Kindergarten.

Thursday, Jan. 16  - *Star Math Assessment 1st -5th   We will be doing any make-ups from Wed. in the afternoon.

Friday, Jan. 17 - *Star Make-up Tests for Absent Students K-5.  These will be first thing in the morning. 

Friday, Jan. 17 - Star Reward passed out – Growth in 2 areas: Bakery Cookie, Growth in 1 area: sucker

Friday, Jan. 17 - Star Reading & Math Parent Reports go home

Friday, Jan. 17 - 2nd Quarter Report Cards will go home today with STAR reports

Monday, Jan. 20 - NO School - M.L. King, Jr. Day

Friday, Jan. 24 - "Cozy & Comfy Day! (wear pajamas, slipper, etc)

Fri, Jan. 24 - K-2nd Grade Enrichment Day

Thurs, Jan. 30 - "100th Day of School!" (Dress like you're 100 years old or design your own 100th Day shirt to wear)

Fri, Jan. 31 - 3rd Quarter Midterm

Fri, Jan. 31 - 3rd Quarter Midterms go home today.

Fri, Jan. 31 - WOW Rewards Party Day!

see you soon