Lady Cougar Basketball at home vs St. Anthony. Game time 6:00

Sami Morse, Jon Bouser, Logan Byers, Elizabeth Meyer, Brock Sigrist, Josalyn Grandt if you are going to brain games Friday please confirm with Mr. Welch and get your field trip form in. Due Thursday!

Post-Prom has blankets still for sell. $35.00 in Mr. Kappler’s classroom.

Foreign Language Club meeting today during homeroom.

Seniors, there are several scholarships available in Ms. Wodtka's google classroom and in the scholarship folder outside of the counselor's door.

Ice Cream, Ice cream cookies and sandwiches will be for sale during lunch hours. All proceeds go to Alzheimer’s Disease.

Upcoming Events:

Tuesday 1-28

Lady Cougar Basketball at Ramsey. Game time 6:00

Wednesday 1-29

Cougar Basketball NTC at Altamont vs Altamont. Game time 7:30.

Thursday -1-30

Lady Cougars Basketball at Dieterich. Game time 6:00

Friday 1-31

Cougar Basketball NTC at Altamont. Game time TBA

Quote of the day- “A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.”