Cougar Basketball NTC at Altamont vs St. Elmo. Game time 6:15. Bus time 5:00.

Big Congratulation to Brock Sigrist, Izzy Hollowell, Logan Byers and Samantha Morse for taking 1st place in the ROE 13 Brain Games! They will advance to the regional at the end of March.

Softball meeting today in the cafeteria 2:35!

Post-Prom has blankets still for sell. $35.00 in Mr. Kappler’s classroom.

Salem CNA applications are available in the folder outside the counselor's door. She will make decisions about who will get in by the end of February, so get your applications in asap.

Seniors, there are several scholarships available in Ms. Wodtka's google classroom and in the scholarship folder outside of the counselor's door.

Miles of Smiles applications are in the office if you are interested, please pick one up and return to office by February 28th.

Juniors and Seniors please sign up if you want to attend the career fair at Murray Center on March 4th. Sign-up sheet posted by counselors’ door.

The CEO Program will be here February 11th from 9:30-10. All Sophomores and Juniors will meet in the cafeteria at that time for the presentation.

The Junior class is selling laundry detergent, fabric softener, dishwashing liquid and pods! See any junior to order. Deadline is February 7th.

Upcoming Events:

Saturday 2-1

Cougar Basketball NTC at Altamont. Game time TBA

Monday 2-3

Scholar Bowl at home vs North Clay. Meet starts at 5:30.

Lady Cougar Basketball at home vs Red Hill. Game time 6:00

Quote of the day- “You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.”