Cougar Basketball at home vs Oblong. Game time 6:00. Senior Night!
Cheerleading Tryout signup sheet in the office.
Blood Drive will be held on February 25th. Parental consent forms available in office.
Post-Prom has blankets still for sell. $35.00 in Mr. Kappler’s classroom.
Seniors, there are several scholarships available in Ms. Wodtka's google classroom and in the scholarship folder outside of the counselor's door.
Miles of Smiles applications are in the office if you are interested, please pick one up and return to office by February 28th.
Freshman and Sophomores interested in attending the KC career fair on March 7th please sign up on the sheet outside the counselor's door.
Upcoming Events:
Friday February 21st- Cougar Basketball at North Clay. Game time 6:00
Monday February 24th- Cougar Basketball at home vs St. Elmo. First round of regionals. Game time 6:00p.m.