Cougar Announcements
If you were unable to attend the FBLA informational meeting, stop by Mrs. Riehm's room to see what it's about. Those wanting to join, let Mrs. Riehm know and pay your $20 dues by Friday, September 9th. Our next meeting is September 14th during homeroom.
Anyone needing school supplies please see Mrs. Chasteen. Email or leave a note in her mailbox if she is not in her office.
We will run eligibility starting September 2.
NHS will meet today during homeroom in Mr. Stephenson's room. All members need to be there.
Science club - Our first introductory meeting will be in Mr. Koester's room this Friday September 2nd for those interested in joining
Upcoming Events:
Thursday September 1st Cougar Baseball travel to Cisne 4:30
Lady Cougar Volleyball will host SEBS F/S starting at 5:15
Quote of the day: Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today.